Wheelers Books

Wheelers Shopping Online Help Guide

key: help/general

On this page you will find help tips and videos on using some of the site's basic functions. These include viewing the information on titles and registering for an account, as well as an overview of the website, highlighting key areas of interest to begin your visit.


  1. Site Overview
  2. Viewing Book Details
  3. Registering


1. Site Overview

If you are new to using the Wheelers website, or just want an overview of where to find certain things, this is the place to start.

From the Homepage you can start searching for titles using the search fields at the top (see the Search Bar section for how to use this), or browse titles using the green panel on the left of the page (see the Browse Books Panel section for how to use this).

You can browse lists of some of the most popular new Adult, Young Adult, Children’s and DVD titles. Or if you are looking for inspiration, we have collected award-winners or titles on currently popular subjects in featured lists at the foot of the page.

To create an account with Wheelers, or log in to an existing account, you can use the My Account links at the top right of the page (see the Registration section for how to do these).

To navigate to other areas of the site, use the tabs at the top of the page. You will notice when you go to each that the options available in the green Browse Books Panel change to be relevant to each area.

In the Books area you can find current and forthcoming titles being published each month, or books currently on special.

The NZ, Maori & South Pacific area is where you will find current and forthcoming titles written by local authors or on subjects related to New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.

The DVD & Blu-Ray area is where to look for current and forthcoming DVD titles. Note this is only available on the New Zealand site.

If you need help at any time, you can find our contact details from the link at the top of the page.


Watch the help video:

2. Viewing Book Details

After you have entered a title search or browsed one of the lists of titles (see the Browsing or Searching sections for how to do these), you can view the details of all the titles in several ways.

Above the titles displayed you will see 3 options for viewing: Detail View, List View and Gallery. Clicking on each will display different amounts of information on each title.

1. Detail View – this view shows cover images and the most detail on a smaller number of titles (up to 10 per page), including name, author, description, ISBN, format, price, availability, publication date and age range.

This is useful if you are looking at a smaller number of titles, or are unfamiliar with the titles and want to read more information on each.

2. List View – this view lists main information for a larger number of titles (up to 50 per page), including ISBN, name, author, format, price and publication date.

This is useful if you are looking at a larger number of titles, or are familiar with the titles and don’t need a lot of detail on each.

3. Gallery – this view shows cover images and main information by title, including name, author, format, price and availability.

This is useful for viewing the main title information on a number of titles quickly.

Titles can be added to your basket for ordering using each of the 3 views; see the Placing an Order section for how to do this.


Watch the help video:

3. Registering

In order to purchase titles online for your Library and access certain areas of the website, you will need to have an account with us, and then register online.

1. Create an account – to set up an account for your Library or to check whether you already have a Wheelers Account please contact our customer service team, using the contact details listed under Contact at the top of the page. They can assist with the simple process of getting you set up with a customer code.

2. Register online – once you have your customer code, set up your website registration by clicking on 'Register' at the top right of the home page.

This will take you to the Website Registration page, where you will enter your email address, name, password and customer code details.

You can also subscribe to receive our regular email newsletters, which feature new release title recommendations, latest news, competitions and more.

Click Create Account and you are ready for full access to millions of titles online!


Watch the help video: