Info » New-Title
Nau mai ki Wheelers Books | New title submission form
Mō mātou - About us
Wheelers Books is New Zealand’s largest library supplier. We specialise in supplying collections and shelf-ready services to public libraries and schools throughout New Zealand.
If you would like to profile your title on Wheelers Books and Wheelers Books for Schools for New Zealand public libraries and schools to order, please complete the form below and we will be in touch.
Please note completion of this form will not automatically result in your title being listed. Profiling decisions are guided by suitability for public and school libraries.
Before you fill out the form:
- If you are distributing through other suppliers, your title may already be listed on our website. Please check with your supplier before completing this form.
- If your title is already profiled on our website but you would like to supply Wheelers directly, please contact us to be set up as a direct supplier.
- If you have two different formats, i.e. Paperback and Hardback, please submit a separate form for each to ensure pricing relates to the correct format. Please do not hesitate to contact us at selfpub@wheelers.co.nz if you have any queries.
- There is no need to send us a copy of your book. If we would like to see a copy, we will contact you. Unsolicited material sent to us will not be returned.
You can complete the new title form submission here
If you are not yet published:
Please note Wheelers Books does not provide advice on publishing or self-publishing, nor do we offer any marketing or distribution services.
If you are considering publishing, we refer you to the National Library of New Zealand’s page on Resources for publishers and authors, which provides links to all the resources you need to get started.
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