Wheelers Books

eBook FAQs

General Frequently Asked Questions about Wheelers ePlatform

What is DRM?
What is an 'App' for reading eBooks?
Can we set the lending terms for the eBook titles?
How do you control who borrows our books?
What do I own when I buy an eBook from Wheelers?

What is DRM?
DRM stands for Digital Rights Management. DRM is encryption technology used to protect the copyright of titles lent to library members. The DRM stops a title from being shared, copied, printed and is required by the publishers who provide the titles.

What is an ‘App’ used for reading eBooks?
An App is software that is needed on whichever device your members use for reading their ePlatform eBooks. The App is basically a reading application. All eBooks need to be opened within an app.

Can we set the lending terms for the eBook titles?
Yes, each library can specify how long titles can be lent out for and how many titles can be lent at one time.

How do you control who borrows our books?
We set up a link between the ePlatform and your library management system, to enable authentication of your members prior to lending them titles.

What do I own when I buy an eBook from Wheelers?
In this context “ownership” means that you acquire the right to access the content of the eBook through the ePlatform. And because, unlike other solutions, we don’t ask for any minimum annual commitment to access your ePlatform, you won’t have to worry about spending a certain amount with us each year to maintain access to your eBooks. Your agreement with Wheelers sets out certain terms and conditions which apply to eBook access (to protect copyright) and a one-off $2.00 plus GST usage charge per ebook.

Please visit www.eplatform.co for more information.